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Mount Bur-Samjeli (Yellow Granary), South Ossetia, GEORGIA

Climb mountains to see lowlands.

Someone said, in everyday life we use no more mathematics than it is supposed to be learnt at elementary school. Indeed, hardly one would ever need to solve quadratic equation beyound the classes, let alone theory of limits, differential or even probability calculus unless he is an extraordinary scientist or a researcher. All the ordinary humans at least must be good at figures (though, sometimes fail). Overwhelming majority of university graduates do not even open a maths book after they finish study. They say they are not researchers and they use value tables when needed instead of maths books. Many of them consider mathematics just as a mandatory path among the others to overcome before the graduation ceremony. Unfortunately, so did I, too. Though while in classes I enjoyed graphical representation of the limit of integration, I did not see how would I use it in professional life after the University.



Jack Sparrow
Ordinary University graduate.
99.99% of my students -- site geologists and mining engineers -- had
similar facial expression looking at the blackboard with logarithms
when I taught them basic statistics.


According to researchers, human cells regenerate every 7 years. That is, our brain cells in 7 years time will be replaced by the new ones. Before they die, old cells pass only valuable information to new ones. The value is so high as frequently it is applied and as much as it is in demand. If the skill is not used at all, new cells will not acquire it so that after 7 years of inactivity your acquired lyrics will fade away.

So sad! I must have forgotten everything I learnt 20 years ago. Frankly speaking I did not see the reason why I should have kept everything in my memory: exams had been passed, and there was no plan to do any scientific research. Until the event on applied mathematics which I had a please to be present at, when the lecturer drew point A and point B on the blackboard and joined the two points with a straight line. Then he drew point C and point D joining them with a smooth curve. He mentioned how easy was is to track any point on the straight line supposing the coordinates of A and B are known.

Opposite to a curve between C and D, where elementary mathematics do not resolve the question of locating any point on the smooth curve. To my surprise the above mentioned brain scientists were not quite right: not all the brain cell info is lost. Some remains as inaccessible clusters in computer memory and just waits for the moment to emerge using something like anchors in HTML. In this case the anchor was a picture I drew 20 years ago which was the same as the picture on a blackboard drawn by the lecturer. Here is my workbook page of 1987:

S.Cusiani, Georgian Technical University
Mathematical representation of ensemble of points of 3D curve.

The answer to the question having been associated with this picture did not keep me long with facial expression as though being in an effort to remember something I never knew but want to show up opposite (as of Jack Sparrow on the pictured above), it was differential calculus to resolve location of any point on a curve.

Scared of my writings? It is as simple as 2 by 2 is 4. All you need is to start with elementary maths and go all the way through with the subject. Patience required! I would not say it is hard to do, but certainly it is the tough task. Other thing is, What would you need all this for? The answer is - for everything:
  • You will judge about integrity of a dataset, that is if the data is either true natural phenomenon or fits to social anxiety schedule, which can be anything from the geology in the volcanic caldera to UFO occurrence records in your backyard.
  • Other opportunities of "everything" can fit into the range mentioned in the Item above.

Though I studied maths in connection with Structural Mechanics, mathematics as the Queen of the Science is the universal tool for handling every science, even geological one.

The title of the event “Аpplied Mathematics in Geology” speaks for itself. In this particular case,

if you have a sampling unit and the law (i.e. Geostatistics) on which its value alters in space, you can predict the value in every point of the space.

To be continued...

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